Community Service In Collin County, Texas

Are you facing criminal charges in Plano or anywhere else in Collin County? If you are convicted of a crime, you may be required by the court to perform what’s called “community service restitution.”

In fact, it is extremely likely that you’ll have to perform community service if you’re convicted of a crime because a large number of offenders are required by the court to perform community service – this is a common condition of supervision.

“What is the purpose of community service restitution?” The state feels that it is an excellent way for offenders to model positive behavior while giving back to their community. However, offenders can’t perform their community service for just any organization. It has to be a non-profit organization that is approved by Collin County CSCD.

In addition to the above, the community service assignment must be approved by the offender’s supervision officer before he or she can begin their community service. One of the reasons for this pre-approval is that some agencies have requirements in regards to the types of offenders who can work for them.

An agency, for example, may have requirements about age, gender, nature of offense, education, and skills; therefore, if you’re wondering how to find out about these requirements, the community supervision officers can provide this information.

Do All Assignments Require Pre-Approval?

There are some assignments that offenders can perform without pre-approval from their supervision officer, providing the probationer is age 18 or older. These assignments include the following types of organizations:

  • Animal shelters
  • Resale shops
  • Food pantries
  • Homeless shelters
  • Protective shelters
  • Substance abuse treatment centers

Note: Collin County does not let offenders perform community service with online community service agencies or programs, so make sure you go with one of the county’s pre-approved programs.

If you or someone you love is facing criminal charges in Plano or anywhere else in Collin County, we urge you to contact The Zendeh Del Law Firm, PLLC to set up an initial consultation with a skilled member of our legal team.

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