Causes of Nursing Home Abuse

You may wonder about the causes of nursing home abuse, and if you have a loved one who is in a nursing home or if you’re considering placing him or her in a nursing home, this is a valid thing to ponder. Unfortunately, elder abuse is a common and widespread problem, and many experts believe it may be nearly as prevalent as child abuse.

The elderly have a lot in common with children; they are vulnerable. Many of them rely on others to pay their bills, drive them to medical appointments, bathe them, feed them, and provide for their everyday needs, especially as they reach their 80s and beyond. So, why are they easy targets for abuse? Because of their physical and cognitive weaknesses, it’s easy for unscrupulous individuals to take advantage of them.

People Who Abuse the Elderly

The elderly can be neglected and abused by family members and caregivers at nursing homes and long-term facilities, but for the purpose of this article, we are going to focus on elder abuse and neglect in the nursing home setting. While most people are good, unfortunately, they are not all good. Just as some people abuse innocent children at childcare facilities, some people do the same at nursing homes. It simply comes down to the caregiver’s character. The problem is, too many nursing homes fail to hold high standards for their staff and the residents are the ones who suffer from this grave mistake. Some of the causes behind nursing home neglect and abuse:

  • Nursing homes fail to run background checks.
  • Nursing homes pay too little, so they end up hiring poorly trained and educated personnel.
  • Nursing homes fail to properly train and monitor their staff.
  • Nursing homes look the other way when they receive complaints about staff.
  • Nursing homes have poor hiring practices and low standards for the people they hire.
  • Nursing homes tolerate misconduct and fail to fire staff for mistreating residents.
  • In an effort to save money and increase profits, nursing homes are frequently understaffed, which increases the chances of neglect or abuse.
  • Nursing homes fail to properly investigate claims of abuse or neglect.

“…elderly who live in residential settings that offer long-term supportive services are at particular risk for abuse and neglect. They are particularly vulnerable because most suffer from several chronic diseases that lead to limitations in physical and cognitive functioning and are dependent on others. In addition, many are either unable to report abuse or neglect or fearful that such reporting may lead to retaliation or otherwise negatively affect their lives,” according to If you suspect your loved one is a victim of nursing home neglect or abuse, contact our Plano personal injury firm immediately to request a case evaluation.

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