About Supplemental Security Income

What is Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and who can get it? Like Social Security Disability, SSI is administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA); however, the two programs are not the same.

While the SSA manages the SSI program, SSI is not paid by people’s Social Security taxes. Instead, SSI is paid for by general funds in the U.S. Treasury. SSI pays monthly benefits to low-income individuals with limited resource who are:

  • Blind;
  • Disabled; or
  • 65 years-of-age or older.

In addition to the above, certain children qualify for SSI payments. If a child is blind or disabled and their parents have little income and resources, the child may meet the requirements for SSI. This is extremely helpful for families with disabled children.

Qualifying for SSI

Do you qualify for SSI? Whether or not you qualify for SSI depends on your income and assets. Income includes wages you receive for working, pensions, and Social Security retirement benefits. The income limits or threshold depends in part, on where you live.

Are you married? If so, the SSA will include a portion of your spouse’s income and resources when deciding whether you qualify for SSI. If you’re under the age of 18, the SSA will include a portion of your parents’ income and resources when determining if you qualify for SSI.

Are you a sponsored non-U.S. citizen? If so, the SSA will take into account your sponsor’s income and resources when you apply for SSI. If you are currently a student and you’re receiving wages and scholarships, the SSA may exclude some of them.

Are you disabled, but working at a job? If so, the SSA will not count any wages that you use to pay for work-related items and service that enable you to work. For instance, if you need a wheelchair to work, the SSA will not count the money you spent on the wheelchair as income.

Contact a Dallas SSD Attorney

If you are interested in applying for SSI or SSD benefits in Plano or Dallas, we encourage you to contact our office to schedule a meeting with an experienced member of our legal team. We are here to answer all of your questions and help you in every way possible.

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